
Environment News and Monitoring

RSSEnvironment is a unique monitoring tool dedicated to the sustainable development sector and to all the related sectors and, more broadly, to all companies focused on problems and solutions related to environmental and ecological issues.
Designed for all professionals working on the development of more environmentally friendly solutions, RSS Environment monitors information on various pollution and pollution control systems, including air, water and groundwater, soil, industrial site cleanup, household waste management and selective sorting, not to mention recycling systems.
The RSS Environment monitoring platform is also focused on climate issues and greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 or methane, and of course energy, with the deployment of renewable energies such as hydroelectric power plants, wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal energy, etc.
In addition, the RSS Environment monitoring solution also integrates the societal and social aspects of environmental innovations, such as new trends in urban mobility with the development of bicycle paths and bicycle rental services, electric or hydrogen-powered cars, for example. New urban and rural land use services are listed, as well as improvements in the use of resources, forests and ecosystems.
From a more economic point of view, the monitoring tool assists you in monitoring the latest innovations in circular economy, economy of functionality, eco-design, corporate social and environmental responsibility.
The RSS Environment monitoring solution allows you to benefit from a global environmental, energy, climate and ecological monitoring, updated in real time from a 100% qualified sourcing.
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Environment Monitoring
La nouvelle solution intelligente de traitement des eaux usées de Xylem diminue les coûts d'exploitation et réduit de 25% la consommation d'énergie
Published at 08/04/2022

Grâce à Xylem Edge Control, les services publics de traitement des eaux usées peuvent désormais atteindre leurs objectifs de conformité tout en réduisant jusqu'à 25% la consommation d'énergie liée à la ventilation.[...]

Amazon Joins the U.S. Department of Energy and MIT to Tackle Plastic Waste With New Science
Published at 31/03/2022

Amazon.com has joined the international BOTTLE consortium to develop the technologies needed to reduce plastic pollution through innovation in materials and recycling. Imagine a new technology that breaks down existing plastic materials to create a new,…

Combustibles solides de récupération : Veolia et Solvay vont construire une unité de plus de 200 MW
Published at 17/02/2022

Ce mercredi 16 février, Veolia et Solvay ont annoncé le lancement de la construction d'une unité de cogénération fonctionnant aux combustibles solides de récupération (CSR). Cette installation alimentera en énergie l'usine de Solvay implantée…

Environmental Conferences